Meet Rev. Jonas
Rev. Jonas Ellison began his appointment as pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Aptos, CA, on October 1st, 2023. Since his arrival, he has deepened our liturgy and brought to our community a vibrant spirit of hospitality along with a rich theological depth. Rev. Jonas holds a Master of Divinity from Wartburg Theological Seminary and was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in October of 2023.
He has published and presented in the areas of Lutheran theology, the church in a secularized world, contemplative Christian spirituality, interreligious dialogue, and theological responses to our accelerating technological modern life. His pastoral experience is deeply inspired by the Celtic and Scandinavian Christian traditions he has studied and immersed himself in. In his ministry at Christ Lutheran Church, Rev. Jonas has drawn from his rich pastoral and theological background to address the spiritual needs of the congregation and move us towards becoming a center for contemplative Christianity in the wider Santa Cruz County. He is eager to collaborate on our shared interests of environmental sustainability, the celebration of the arts, supporting local movements for social justice, and opening dialogue with other spiritual centers in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties.
Email Rev. Jonas: pastor@christlutheranaptos.org